
Project Configuration

The project can be configured either by a hjson file or a python script. The default configurations and examples are located in the config directory.

Hjson Configuration File

    bus_type: "NtoM",
    ram_banks: {
        code_and_data: {
            sizes: 64
        more_data: {
            type: continuous
            num: 2
            sizes: 32
        data_interleaved: {
            auto_section: auto
            // the name is used by example_matadd_interleaved as .xheep_data_interleaved
            type: interleaved
            num: 4
            size: 16
        data_interleaved_2: {
            auto_section: auto
            type: interleaved
            num: 2
            size: 16

            name: code
            start: 0
            // minimum size for freeRTOS and clang
            size: 0x00000C800
            name: data
            start: 0x00000C800

Bus Type Configuration

The bus type can either be configured to NtoM or onetoM.

Ram Bank Configuration

The system can be configured with banks of different sizes. The sizes should be a power of two in kiB. All banks are configured in one continuous address region.

To configure interleaved banks the number and the size of the banks have to be provided. The following restrictions apply: All banks must have the same size and a power of two banks must be configured.

For continuous banks the default mode, only the sizes filed is required. It can be either the size in kiB of a single bank, a dictionary of the same format containing more banks, or a list of multiple entries. If the num field is also provided the configuration in the sizes field is repeated num times.

ram_banks: {
    code: {sizes: 64} // configure just one bank

    data: {
        type: continuous // the default, can be omitted
        num: 2
        sizes: 32

    alt_data: {sizes: [32, 32]} // the same as data but with a list

    more_complex: {
    // This also works recursively so we can easily have different sizes of banks
    // and in bigger numbers without listing them all one by one.
        sizes: [
                num: 4
                sizes: 8
                num: 16
                sizes: 4


Linker Section Configuration

The linker script sections can be configured in two ways. Either a section can be matched with a group of ram banks or it can be manually defined.

To automatically add a section the entry auto_section: auto should be added to the banks. It will add a section that matches the banks exactly, it can only be used in the non recursive part. The name of the section is set with the name of the group of banks.

When manually setting the the linker section the name and the start address have to be provided. Additionally the end is either provided by it’s address or by the size of the section. If no end is provided the end is inferred by the start of the next linker section. Or if no section follows, the end address of the last ram bank.

Both configuration types can be freely combined as long as no section overlap. All sections will e sorted by the configuration system.

The first two sections should always be code and data. The other name can be used in code with a .xheep_ prefix, like in example_matadd_interleaved

int32_t __attribute__((section(".xheep_data_interleaved"))) m_c[16*16];
    ram_address: 0
    bus_type: "onetoM",
    ram_banks: {
        code_and_data: {
            num: 2
            sizes: [32]
        i_am_a_section_name: {
            auto_section: auto
            sizes: 16

            name: code
            start: 0

            // Alternatively the end tag can be used to provide the end.
            size: 0x00000C800
            name: data
            start: 0x00000C800
            // The end of this section will be at the beginning of the next.
            // In this example the next section is i_am_a_section_name

Python Configuration

The same can be done by using a python script

from x_heep_gen.linker_section import LinkerSection
from x_heep_gen.system import XHeep, BusType

def config():
    system = XHeep(BusType.NtoM)
    system.add_ram_banks([32] * 2)
    system.add_ram_banks_il(2, 64, "data_interleaved")

    system.add_linker_section(LinkerSection.by_size("code", 0, 0x00000C800))
    system.add_linker_section(LinkerSection("data", 0x00000C800, None))

    # Here the system is build,
    # The missing gaps are filled, like the missing end address of the data section.
    if not system.validate():
        raise RuntimeError("there are errors")

    return system

The script should include a config function that return an x_heep_gen.system.XHeep instance. The configuration is simmilar to the hjson one. The order in which sections are added is also the one used in hardware. The script writer is responsible to call and x_heep_gen.system.XHeep.validate() and to raise an error in case of failure. The first does make the system ready to be used and the second does check for errors in the configuration.

Select Configuration File

To configure the system call

make mcu-gen X_HEEP_CFG=configs/name_of_file.hjson

Other configurations

The pads are configured in pad_cfg.hjson.

One part of the configuration is in mcu_cfg.hjson.

Additionally if a hjson file is ussed for configuration the following parameters can be set to the make command to override the configuration:

  • BUS=NtoM,onetoM

  • MEMORY_BANKS=integer

  • MEMORY_BANKS_IL=integer

They will replace the configuration used in the configuration file. When one parameter is not provided the configuration files value is used. The memory banks configured this way will only be of size 32kiB. For compatibility reasons MEMORY_BANKS does not create linker sections while MEMORY_BANKS_IL does create a linker section.